10 Simple Habits to Boost Your Productivity and Happiness Daily"

10 Simple Habits to Boost Your Productivity and Happiness Daily"

 1. Thankfulness has Blessings:
   - Devote few minutes every morning to thinking what you are thankful for. This has the ability to set a positive emotional tone for the day. 

 2. Write a Plan Before Sleeping:
   - Each day prior, prepare execution tasks along with their sequence to enable visualization of the expected results and concentration the following day. 

 3. Follow the Two Minute Rule:

   - If something takes less than two minutes to accomplish, then do it right away instead of leaving it for later. 

 4. Concentrate on One Task:

   - Utilize deep focus techniques such as time blocking and Pomodoro Technique to fully engage your attention and refrain from attempting to do many things at once. 

 5. Take Frequent Breaks:

   - It is important to develop the practice of taking breather breaks to relax the mind and refresh the body, a short stroll, a stretch or a minute or two of meditation would suffice. 

 6. Drink Water and Snack Wisely:

   - It’s a must during the day that you consume plenty of water, and consider healthy snacks to give you the motivation and energy you need.

7. Engage In Mindfulness Exercises or Meditate:

   - Devote around 5 to 10 minutes daily to engaging in effective exercises such as meditation or mindfulness in order to relieve stress and enhance emotional health each day.   
 8. Set Limits on the Usage of Social Media and Notifications:

 - Do not focus on social media too much in the sense that you also have to mute the notifications that you consider irrelevant to not divide your attention when working.

 9. “Two-Minute Rule” Should be Followed: 

 - If the work is going to take under two minutes then get it done at that moment. This prevents the small subtasks from accumulating over time due to over postponement.

 10. The Day should Be Concluded: Encompassing a Relevant Review.  

 - Spend a couple of minutes evaluating the day. Enjoy the wins, highlight possible places to improve and give thanks for what has been accomplished.


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